90 Days… What?

My mom and brother are standing back on American soil after the fastest 12 days of all of our lives.

The days until I return home number somewhere in the 90’s. As June 29th gets closer, everyday here is more enjoyable, and I don’t know why this is happening. I’m about 110% sure that waking up on June 30th in my Lansdale bed, opening my eyes to those paper stars that hang from ceiling, will be sad. Because that’s when it’s all really over. I don’t want to think about it.  I don’t want to be the “ex” exchange student.

The past 12 days were spent in both Madrid and Granada. We all had so much fun together, and Cody and I finally had a chance to make up for all the picking on each other we missed over the past 6 months. We saw all the cool sights of Madrid, and finished off the trip in Granada where we spent a day at the beach. It was perfection.

Tomorrow, being Easter, will probably be spent studying and Skyping with the family as they get together at my aunt’s house.

I can’t believe how fast spring break went. I can’t believe how fast all those post spring break exams crept up on me. I’m going for it though. The end of the third marking period is my time to get good grades. I’m capable and even though the fact that my grades are barely worthy-some is constantly lingering, I’m going to give it my all. After all, I am planning on attending college at some point. So here we go. Wish me luck.

And to all a happy Easter!


Procrastination Post

Let the 17 day weekend begin.

I’m sitting here making a list of things to pack to head out to see more of this awesome country with my family, and suddenly am filled with overwhelming excitement. I miss them so much.

To be honest, I wish my dogs were coming along but apparently that’s “too much work…” blahblahblahhhh. But who wouldn’t want to see these cuties after 6 and a half months?


I remember when I first got here and was thinking  about how I could study abroad in college, and if I would want to come back. But now I know the definite answer to that. YES.

I don’t have any super exciting news, I think I just convinced myself to do this to procrastinate the studying that presents itself today, because we all know that studying will not be happening while my family is here. But those 4 exams and summary of that one movie we watched in class still remain.

And for any of you wondering about the language thing, it’s good. I haven’t had any super improvements after Christmas. I’m in the stuck stage when you get a little frustrated because it’s been 2 months and nothing has changed. But hey, 3 more months to go, I’ve got time; not enough, but I’ve got it.

Better get going… primo Carlos is coming for lunch, and I’ve got packing and studying to do.

Wish me luck.

Amusement parks and Dance Parties

What a life.

Today I found myself adventuring through the amusent park here in Madrid. The field trip was for physics and chemistry, but let’s be real, not one person was thinking about velocity or potential energy while riding roller coasters, or while  throwing ourselves onto ride after violent ride.

Today I found myself in the medical center of the amusement park.  But no worries, a cage just ripped open my knee.

Today I found myself, skipping through the park, laughing at screaming friends, and laughing some more. But let me tell you; you don’t have any idea of what “cold” is until you’re riding a roller coaster or free falling through the brisk morning air, as mini snowflakes are falling from the sky. Even though I arrived home with my cheeks red, and freezing hands, it was all for a good purpose.

As of now school is my favorite place. I don’t know why, I just love it. Me and 5 others in my class are working on a project right now thats super big, and we all need to talk for a total of 45 minutes, which makes me a little nervous. Not in the fact that I’m not confident in how I speak, but 1) I always get nervous talking in front of people 2) we aren’t allowed to read straight from paper which is completely normal for people that are native speaker 3) some kids in my class are tools and will most definitely make fun of me.

We have gotten together twice to work on the project, but so far have nothing. This is because our little get togethers always turn into dance party, youtube surfing, prank calling get togethers. Which I’m completely fine with.

Another thing: on Friday I’m meeting with some people from school to get information about volunteering here in Madrid. They go to Sol on Sunday mornings to give breakfast to homeless. I’m pretty pumped. I’ve been trying for awihle to find something like this to do here, and I think I’ve finally got something.

Well, with that being said, only 4 days until I’ll be reuniting with my mom and brother, and, get ready for this….

106 until I’m home. However, I refuse to accept that.


Well, the days with my dad came and went faster than expected, but the time was well spent.


After my last post, we had 3 more days together, 1 being spent in Segovia, and 2 here in Madrid. All I can say is we had a good time, and the goodbye was rushed by the metro I took to school Wednesday morning; arriving one minute after us at the station. As the train pulled away from the platform, where my dad was standing, I felt a little puddle of tear forming in my eyes, but I quickly reminded myself that this goodbye is for only 4 months. And all was well.

My mom and brother will be here in 9 days, which is crazy, and super exciting.

By the time this is over, I’ll be a professional tour guide.

At this point in my exchange, the weird thing about all of this is thinking about living back in PA again. I’m so comfortable with everything. I have this type of confidence here that I’ve never had before. And I’m saying that to be anything but a tool, I’m just content at this moment in time.

I’m happy.

February to March

February ended, just as great as March started.

3 days ago, my dad arrived here in Spain. We greated each other in the streets, with a true Kodak moment. We had a dilemma in the process, but it all worked out perfectly.

My dad arrived at 8 in the morning without service on his phone. Neither of us thought this through, but we had our meeting spot previously set (the metro station near my house here), and I had an idea of around what time he would be there. So I left my house at about 9:30 walking super fast to the station. As I rounded the corner, there stood my dad, luggage in hand, in the brutal cold, unsure of what to do. I screamed “DAD” and ran across the street, running into a big bear hug. We were both screaming and laughing and crying, while the busy morning streets of the city were watching our moment reuniting.

From there we spent the day around the city, taking it easy, and catching up. That night we went out to dinner, where Blanca and I spent our time translating from parent to parent. We all had a good time.

The next day, which happened to be my birthday, I took my dad to Toledo, where we spent the day in the warm sun. It felt like a spring day. We took countless pictures and the middle of the day was spent taking a siesta on a park bench in the sun.

Yeah, I did get sunburnt.

That night we went to a Mexican restaurant called Si Señor. Just like most restuarants they so things for people who have birthdays. However, my dad was unaware of this, so he told them it was my birthday.

So before I move on, you should know that what they do if it’s your birthday, is they put a hard helmet on you, shove a shot down your throat, move your head around in a fast motion, and shove whipped cream in your face… all while blowing a whistle. Happy birthday.

I was aware of this going into the night, so when I heard the whistle, I was suddenly terrified. They placed the helmet on my head, when I quickly repsonded by taking it off, meaning, don’t do this to me, I’m not legal.

They put it back on.

This time I took it off stood up, and they got the point. I’m pretty sure the waiter holding the hard hat and shot thought I was going to take him out, because he threw his hands up like he was being arrested when I got out of my seat. As I sat back down the whole restaurant was watching me, but thankfully they went straight to my dad and did it to him.

I think this took some of the attention off of me. It was a little embarassing and looking back, it probably would have been easier just letting them force a shot down my throat, but in the moment, I wasn’t ready for it.

It’s all good though, we had a fun night together and ended the day riding on the metro for about an hour because neither of us were up for the task of navigating at the time.

Today we went shopping and spent another day hanging in the city with some beautiful weather.

We’re both really enjoying these days togther, just hanging out, and getting some good laughs in.

I’ll follow up with some pictures too, but we’re heading out for some pizza soon, so maybe tomorrow.
