90 Days… What?

My mom and brother are standing back on American soil after the fastest 12 days of all of our lives.

The days until I return home number somewhere in the 90’s. As June 29th gets closer, everyday here is more enjoyable, and I don’t know why this is happening. I’m about 110% sure that waking up on June 30th in my Lansdale bed, opening my eyes to those paper stars that hang from ceiling, will be sad. Because that’s when it’s all really over. I don’t want to think about it.  I don’t want to be the “ex” exchange student.

The past 12 days were spent in both Madrid and Granada. We all had so much fun together, and Cody and I finally had a chance to make up for all the picking on each other we missed over the past 6 months. We saw all the cool sights of Madrid, and finished off the trip in Granada where we spent a day at the beach. It was perfection.

Tomorrow, being Easter, will probably be spent studying and Skyping with the family as they get together at my aunt’s house.

I can’t believe how fast spring break went. I can’t believe how fast all those post spring break exams crept up on me. I’m going for it though. The end of the third marking period is my time to get good grades. I’m capable and even though the fact that my grades are barely worthy-some is constantly lingering, I’m going to give it my all. After all, I am planning on attending college at some point. So here we go. Wish me luck.

And to all a happy Easter!


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